Wednesday 30 September 2009

Day One

The beginning is as good a place to start as any, as they say...

I deleted an old blog I had here as it had no public content and started a new one. I hope to be able to write reviews, opinions, and generally get my personality out there on the web in what will, with any luck, be a form not cringingly embarrassing to me in five years time...

Introductions are possibly in order:
I'm Sarah; hello!
I work in the QA dept of a video games company in the UK: yes, that essentially means that I play games all day - I know from experience that it would only be cruel to disillusion you at this point, if any illusion you should hold.
Graham Linehan was on Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe, a one-off programme they did on BBC4 last night, talking about how video-games have advanced leaps and bounds in every aspect except narrative and storytelling... my ambition is to correct this. But first... to move on from QA...

More on this another time hopefully, I've just realised that I will be late for my bus if I don't go now.